March 24, 2022 6:30 pm

CANCELLED (to be rescheduled). Join author and scholar Dr. Peggy Brooks-Bertram in a presentation about two fascinating people—father and daughter—John William and Drusilla Dunjee. John William was born into slavery in Virginia and went on to make extraordinary contributions to the Reconstruction of Virginia as well as to the history of the Black Baptist Church. His daughter Drusilla was born in Harper’s Ferry, WV, during Reconstruction and would become a major historian in the American West. The presentation will pull from the speaker’s book: Drusilla Dunjee Houston, Unmuzzled Mouthpiece in the American West published by University of Mississippi Press.

Pay what you can. Register by March 23; visit or call 540-662-1473, ext. 240. After registering, you will receive an email confirmation with the Zoom link for the program.

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